Mary Fieweger from Niners Ladies Golf Group will be speaking on Cancer Research at OHSU. Mary has chaired the Charbonneau Ladies Golf annual Pink Ball Golf Tournament for five years, helping to raise over $650,000 for cancer research, and been President of the Niners Board for three terms.
The Rotary Club of Wilsonville meets weekly Thursdays at noon to carry out its purpose of providing service and fellowship to members and the Wilsonville community. Guests are welcome. Lunch is available off the menu; please arrive and order by 11:45 a.m. if you are ordering lunch. For more information, email
Official bio: Mary Fieweger has lived in Charbonneau with her husband Joe for 10 years. She is an avid volunteer and fundraiser. She originated and chaired the annual Christmas gift wrap program to raise funds for various Wilsonville nonprofit organizations, such as Wilsonville Community Center and Wilsonville Senior Center. While living in West Linn, Oregon, she chaired the very first Relay for Life for the community. While living in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Mary also was Chairperson for the Hospital Junior Auxiliary (high school students) and worked with the Rotary Club to get approval for a $1,000 scholarship for the most dedicated and committed volunteer.
Mary has experience serving on several nonprofit boards of Directors, including chapters of the American Red Cross and the United Way. She was also an active member of Operation Bootstrap, which assisted individuals and families in need of food, clothing, and shelter and the St. Michael’s Hospital Board of Directors in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. She also served as President of the 140-member volunteer auxiliary. Mary was recognized as an ‘Outstanding Young Woman in America” in 1983. In addition to her volunteer work, Mary has extensive experience as a sales executive, and as an instructor teaching about new glaucoma technology to medical professionals and at various Universities.
She views herself as a connector, coordinator and communicator and as someone with a strong ethic to give of herself to the community.