On this date the Rotary Club of Wilsonville will present a Club Assembly. These occur anytime there is a fifth Thursday in a month and are intended to provide training and education for members to be more effective as Rotarians. As our Club Assembly speaker, Gary Stewart, past assistant district governor and current district trainer for District 5100, will speak on The Life Cycle of a Rotary Leader. Rotary is designed to provide clubs, districts, regions and even RI itself with a constant stream of fresh leaders, while providing members with a continuing series of leadership opportunities allowing them to go as far as they would like to go. He’ll talk about the opportunities that members have, and what clubs must do to ensure their future leadership needs are provided for.
The Rotary Club of Wilsonville meets weekly Thursdays at noon to carry out its purpose of providing service and fellowship to members and the Wilsonville community. The club is holding hybrid “Virtual In Person” (VIP) meetings. People may attend in person, or they may use Zoom (http://www.tinyurl.com/Rotary97070). Guests are welcome. Masks are required for in-person attendance except when eating, drinking or speaking at the microphone. For more information, email president@wilsonvillerotary.com.
Gary Stewart is from Newberg, Oregon where he and his wife have raised their two now grown children. They have a small farm raising sheep, goats, and wine grapes. Specifically, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Gary has been in Rotary for 18 years, serving as his club President from 2017-18. He served two years as a District 5100 Assistant Governor. He is currently the District Trainer for 2021-24.