Club Meeting: Meet Your Rotarians

Club Meeting: Meet Your Rotarians

Two Rotarians — Bob Bauer and Austin Ramey — will discuss their personal and professional backgrounds in what is known within Rotary as a “classification talk.” Rotary is made up of local professionals who desire to make friends and serve the community.

Two Rotarians — Bob Bauer and Austin Ramey — will discuss their personal and professional backgrounds in what is known within Rotary as a “classification talk.” Rotary is made up of local professionals who desire to make friends and serve the community.

The Rotary Club of Wilsonville meets weekly Thursdays at noon to carry out its purpose of providing service and fellowship to members and the Wilsonville community. The club is holding hybrid “Virtual In Person” (VIP) meetings. Attend in person (if masked or vaccinated) at Al Kader Shrine Center, or attend virtually over Zoom at Guests are welcome. For more information, email

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