Wilsonville Rotary Summer Concerts bring out the crowds

The Wilsonville Rotary Summer Concerts completed their 17th season in 2018, with great performances by eight headline and supporting acts. The series in Town Center Park raised more than $6,600 for End Polio Now, a project by Rotary International and its partners (including the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to eradicate the crippling disease. As of October, the disease has had just 18 reported cases in three countries in 2018 and the goal is to reduce it to zero. Since 2007, the Rotary Club of Wilsonville has raised more than $72,000 for the cause. 

TACE: A success by any measure 

Every summer for 16 years, Through a Child’s Eyes, or TACE, has positively impacted the lives of women inmates at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, as well as their children and families. This past July more than 800 people were involved in the TACE event, including female inmates, their children, caregivers, community volunteers, CCCF staff members, and inmate volunteers. Many members of the Wilsonville Rotary and often their spouses and other family members volunteer each year to run the games, crafts and food booths. 

Past, present and future: Student exchanges thrive

The Rotary International Youth Exchange Program is in full swing in Wilsonville with WHS students returning to school from a year abroad in a foreign country, or having spent this past summer on a short term family-to-family exchange abroad. Several prior year WHS exchange students have just graduated and are now embarking on their college careers. 

What’s wrong with our healthcare system? Ask Dr. Vogt

Almost every Thursday, the Rotary Club attracts compelling speakers from different industries, with unique perspectives, and often for a great cause. Recently the Club welcomed a doctor who has spent many years assessing the healthcare system in the U.S.  In Dr. Tom Vogt’s estimation, the current problem with the American health care system has nothing to do with political alignments.

President’s Corner

The change of seasons is a great time to reflect on the recent successes of the Rotary Club of Wilsonville. It’s also time to give a huge “thank you” to the people of Wilsonville for your support of the Wilsonville Rotary Summer Concerts, and the continuing success of Through a Child’s Eyes summer family event at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.

Before we look ahead to another busy year of volunteer efforts that benefit Wilsonville, I would like to look back at some of our Club’s milestones to remind us all how far we have come as a group dedicated to a common cause. Here are just a few of our Club’s historical markers:

Rotary Club of Wilsonville installs new board of directors

The Rotary Club of Wilsonville recently installed its new Board of Directors for 2018-19 at an ceremony and banquet  on June 30. The 40-plus member club will be led over the next 12 months by incoming president, Dr. Laura LaJoie Bishop, a Wilsonville resident and business owner of Joy of Life Chiropractic.