Looking Into Space With The Hubble Space Telescope

From the dawn of humankind to a mere 400 years ago, all that we knew about our universe came through observations with the naked eye. Then Galileo turned his telescope toward the heavens in 1610. In the centuries that followed, telescopes grew in size and complexity...

Message from the President: Tim Crowley

Have you ever wanted to make a difference in someone’s life?  Have you ever wondered if what you do every day really makes a difference?  If you’re like most people, you’ll answer with an enthusiastic “Yes!”  I know for me personally, not only do I want...

Rotary bids fond farewell to Swiss exchange student

Anna Krill has been a fixture at Rotary meetings in Wilsonville since she arrived in the U.S. last August. A native of the Zurich, Switzerland area, Anna completed secondary school in her home town and came to the U.S. as an exchange student sponsored by the Rotary Club of Wilsonville.

Summer Concerts: Guess the band

The 2017 Wilsonville Rotary Summer Concerts are expected to break new attendance records this summer with an amazing line-up for July and August. Can you match the clues to the bands that are performing? Try our quiz.

Upcoming Lunch Speakers at Wilsonville Rotary

Interested in hearing any of the speakers below? Visit the Rotary Club for lunch. If you’re smart, you’ll join the Club and gain many rewards through volunteerism that makes a big difference right here in Wilsonville, as well as across the world. Meetings...