Club Assembly: Rotary District Governor Visit

Black Bear Diner 30175 S.W. Parkway Ave., Wilsonville, OR, United States

Jeannine Murrell is the Rotary District 5100 Governor for 2024-25. The district follows the Oregon-Washington border from the Pacific Ocean to Idaho, covering a northern slice of Oregon and a southern slice of Washington, including the major cities of Portland, Salem and Vancouver. The District Governor visits all clubs, each on a designated date, during the course of the year, to give updates on Rotary from the district and international perspective and to inspire clubs and members to higher success.

Club Meeting: How JoyRx: The Children’s Cancer Association Serves Families

Black Bear Diner 30175 S.W. Parkway Ave., Wilsonville, OR, United States

Tess Paterson, Volunteer Coordinator for JoyRx | Children’s Cancer Association, is dedicated to engaging and supporting volunteers as they bring comfort and joy to children facing serious illness. In her presentation, "The Transformative Impact of JoyRx," Tess will highlight JoyRx’s mission, showcase its healing programs, and share an inspiring volunteer story that demonstrates the far-reaching impact of the organization, touching lives beyond the children served.